Current awareness is something I always say I'm keeping up with, but there's just so much out there. Before you know it the latest news and innovations are old hat. Starting chartership has made be look at bit more seriously at how I keep up to date and I dug out my old Twitter account - the one I started when it was all shiny and new, tweeted about six times and then ignored. But strangley just weeks before finding out about CPD23 I started to check my account again - cleared out all the random celebs I had followed (except Stephen Fry, obviously) and started following various library related 'real' people. I finally got around to setting up my iGoogle page and now I am a changed woman. (well, comparatively)
I think the thing I like best about Twitter is the succinct-ness of the medium. I don't alway have time to read the full text of everyone's blogs, but if someone enjoys an article or finds something interesting enough to just tweet a link, I often find myself reading the opening and then saving it to Evernote to refer back to later.
What I hadn't really done until the CPD23 prompt was start to tweet again. A bit like the idea of blogging...who on earth want to know what I think? In fact, I turned away followers? I lurked on a few chartership chats and finally said hello in a #uklibcat session. I suppose I'm using Twitter like you can use feeds, and as such, when I looked into RSS I found it difficult to see what it would add to my iGoogle/Twitter homepage setup. Similarly, I have yet to delve into Storify other than as a viewer. So on reflection, I don't think I am as current as I though I was. I can see that it takes me a while to feel comfortable with each new application. I lurk for a while (sometimes a long while) before fully engaging. But I'm aiming to do better. I'm off to Lighting the Future this weekend - I am determined to tweet all weekend (#LTF12). All I need now are some followers...
Hi, like you the aspect of Twitter that I enjoy is the easy access to articles of interest that others suggest. I favourite things to read later at my leisure. Sadly I am unable to go to Lighting the Future so will be following the tweets over the weekend. Hope you enjoy the conference! It sounds as though it should be really interesting.